getjarpythonscriptmassdownload night


Getjarpy is easy-to-use script/software with main use to download particular files from website www.getjar.mobi, the oldest living database for downloading JAR files (applications, games, etc.) primary for older mobile phones. Getjarpy is transforming user-data and tricking website that it's been accessed over mobile phone and allowing user to automatically download JAR application. Note: that GetJar official website is not allowing users to download files from PC as you can see from screencast bellow!



To use Getjarpy you will need Python 2.7 with additional modules, read Dependencies for more information. Basic usage of Getjarpy is to edit line 63 and it's variable data mobileModel which is at the moment of coding set to nokia-5130-xpressmusic/. You can get your model name parsed by visiting www.getjar.mobi, selecting your model and visiting any application listed.

Then, it's just a matter of using predefined commands listed bellow. Please, make sure to change coresponding phone model, in case you don't, all files will be downloaded to the resolution of Nokia 5130 XpressMusic.


To list usage / help use --help argument

$ python getjarpy.py --help
            _    _                        
  __ _  ___| |_ (_) __ _ _ __ _ __  _   _ 
 / _` |/ _ \ __|| |/ _` | '__| '_ \| | | |
| (_| |  __/ |_ | | (_| | |  | |_) | |_| |
 \__, |\___|\__|/ |\__,_|_|  | .__/ \__, |
 |___/        |__/           |_|    |___/ 
Simple GetJar java application downloader   
Coded by dn5 / http://dn5.ljuska.org / @dn5__ 

Usage: python getjarpy.py http://getjar.mobi/mobile/xxxxxx/name-of-app-model localFileName
Example: python getjarpy.py http://www.getjar.mobi/mobile/567704/fooddash-for-nokia-5130-xpressmusic/ FoodDash

To download file use URI LOCALNAME argument

$ python getjarpy.py http://www.getjar.mobi/mobile/567704/fooddash-for-nokia-5130-xpressmusic/ FoodDash
            _    _                        
  __ _  ___| |_ (_) __ _ _ __ _ __  _   _ 
 / _` |/ _ \ __|| |/ _` | '__| '_ \| | | |
| (_| |  __/ |_ | | (_| | |  | |_) | |_| |
 \__, |\___|\__|/ |\__,_|_|  | .__/ \__, |
 |___/        |__/           |_|    |___/ 
Simple GetJar java application downloader   
Coded by dn5 / http://dn5.ljuska.org / @dn5__ 

Usage: python getjarpy.py http://getjar.mobi/mobile/xxxxxx/name-of-app-model localFileName
Example: python getjarpy.py http://www.getjar.mobi/mobile/567704/fooddash-for-nokia-5130-xpressmusic/ FoodDash

Setting a link for exploitation!

Writing other settings!
Trying to exploit this URL: http://m.getjar.mobi/mobile/567704/fooddash-for--java/?d=-java
Extracting some files from URL ...
Getting file data and extracting installation!

Getting a JAR file for the last time, I promise.
Opening a file for testing, just to make sure everything works!
Writting data ...
w00t w00t, your file is ready to be transfered or reverse engineered! Filename: FoodDash.jar


About / License

This software is not intended to replace mobile downloading operation from GetJar, it is used for testing purpose and is not suported to use for illegal act. Me, dn5 coded this software for testing purpose and learning experience with Python. Software is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0).